Sunday, March 30, 2008

Transmutation Light Vehicles

I use copper wire and fibers to knit/knot/weave/sew 3-D lines into sculptural forms/vessels. These vessels are conductive containers for 'inner+outer' electro-magnetic energy. Infused with 4-D/5-D energy; the vessels serve as receptacles for releasing constriction/dissolving constraints and neutralizing opposition. They 'hold in' and 'let out' simultaneously.

goes beyond words and speaks quietly through the language of the open heart

The teaching of Mary (Pte Ska Win, Quan Yin, et al.)
Is Stillness

You wake up
to the knowing
that the Love You think You desire
....the Love You feel You deserve

Has always been with You

Is... withIn You

Who You Are!

Only the mind has obscured this fact...

Only an illusion.... Only an illusion....

Take heart, though!!
There was nothing different You could have done
There is nothing that has to change

No one is at fault for not Seeing the Truth

We All have the opportunity, Now, to step Into the Love

It surrounds You, It holds You, You are Infused with It

Life Itself... Our True Nature, Our True Love

Romantic love is not…

Unconditional love is not romantic love. It can't be defined, because it is the experience of who I am at the core... which are words that point at something that can't be described. And experiencing it is not something that can be shared. I can't talk about it. And that's okay. And death is really birth into true reality. No one needs to know that or be convinced. No friendships are needed. I died before I will die. No one needs to believe me. The things people see and the words they use to describe the near-death experience are based on what's on their current map. The words and definitions have been "believed-in" rather than the experience. And it all unfolds into the awareness of the experiencer as they continue on in the body.