
The break in the space of my heart is mended & knitted together in the greater self that is my soul eternity—forever free of the bondage of adversity and harm. Forever + ever is endless, imagine that—living without end: is not scary to me but utter freedom to be who I have always been, but was never allowed to be by the others.

The core of who I am has never been harmed, broken, shattered, destroyed, raped, assaulted, stalked, held captive, Stockholm Syndromed. And now it expands to the far outer reaches of my heart that is boundless and generative for all to see & hear.

I have always been protected—my soul has. And now I have the power to protect my body—in every cell of my being. The body is truly a temple and cannot be penetrated from the outside. An inside person, aligned with their true heart + soul, are the ones allowed to know who I am & see beyond the words.

Empty of all the trauma, that seemed to fill me up—but the illusion was that it covered me over with a dark cloak that no one could see through. See the child that has always been there—free, injoy, in unconditioned love—in a space of compassion.

AMUART, Watercolor and ink on paper, mounted on wood panel. 9x12 inches. Available.